Friday, January 23, 2009

Freedom and Independence - Every Day

Freedom and Independence - powerful words to live by and very important topics these days - in more ways than one.

When your "days dwindle down to a precious few", where would you rather be? At Home or in a Nursing Home - DUH!!! That's a No Brainer!

No matter how old I get, I never think of myself as OLD or belonging in that crowd - a bunch of "old people"? No WAY!!!. Being in familiar surroundings at home is much nicer than being a "stranger in a strange place", thank you very much!

Most importantly, I don't want to rely on anyone else to tell me everything I need to do. I can preserve, protect, defend, and maintain my own personal Freedom and Independence. So Don't call Homeland Security on my account! Here's how I handle it all by myself and you can, too:

I use reminders
for medications, doctor appointments, and all my bloodwork and lab tests. Really... for absolutely everything!

For my EYES! - Like a lot of older people, I have macular degeneration in both eyes and have to look at a grid to check for any changes in my vision - EVERY DAY!!! My husband and I both get a "Check your Grid!" reminder daily by email, which I scheduled in my online OnTimeRx automated reminder account.

For my MEDICATION REMINDERS - These are set up in OnTimeRx software on a Palm Z22 device. Every dose of my 18 daily pills is taken and automatically logged when the alarms tell me to. Like thousands of other OTRx users, I absolutely could not live without this software!

Even for my BANKING - We all have to be fiscally responsible and keep our accounts up-to-date. I just got a reminder on my computer monitor to check my bank balance online. That one is set up in my OnTimeRx-Windows software program.

These are just a few of ways I use reminders on a daily basis. I'll tell you about more in another post... but you can try any or all of these for yourself at:

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