Monday, February 9, 2009

Service Dogs as Caregivers

Service Dogs are
What a "warm and fuzzy"
concept in caregiving.

It's truly amazing how many tasks these animals can perform for their owners.

OnTimeRx medication reminders can perform some helpful reminder tasks for people and their animals, too.

A long-time user of OnTimeRx manages a support website for owners of Service Dogs. This young lady has to manage multiple medications to treat her own health problems and at the same time, she's ultimately responsible for the care, health, and well-being of her own service dog. It's impressive how well she manages everything and even has time to go out and help promote OnTimeRx at the various conventions she attends (with her trusty service dog, of course.)

One of the most challenging dosage requirements is managing medications taken every 4 hours "as needed". This is a complex schedule to automate, because computers have no way of knowing when a drug will be needed. OnTimeRx has a unique method of scheduling such medications, which is explained in our User's Manual under Item#5 - the Hourly/PRN dosing routine. This method allows the user to log a dose and then automatically set an alarm for the next allowed dose (in 4 hours). As that next dose is logged, another alarm can be schedule for the next allowed dose, and so on.

This feature is especially helpful for managing pain medications, as this user comment indicates:

Richard Hamilton, a nurse says: 6/7/2006
"I found this software after I had a heart attack, and I highly recommend it to anyone. It's easy to use and very handy with the desk top program. Besides my heart meds, I am also a chronic pain patient and must take as many as 15 different meds at all different times. Thanks to OnTimeRx, I have missed none. My doctors think your program is great, too."

Many dedicated OnTimeRx users attest to the intuitiveness of all the features, and the overall usefulness and flexibility of OnTimeRx reminders. While Service Dogs are very smart, they cannot manage everything on their own - even with the help of OnTimeRx. They must rely on their owner's to remember to give them their medications so they can stay healthy.

Service Dogs provide a unique combination of companionship and caregiving and deserve all the LOVE and RESPECT we humans can give them.

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